Poppits Pool and Spa Sanitisation System
Poppits pool and spa products are made by Waterco Limited. Waterco manufactures and distributes a diverse range of products for the international swimming pool, spa and water treatment markets.
Poppits pool and spa sanitisation system includes a range of products for spas including: sanitiser, alkalinity and pH increasers, calcium hardness increaser, shock, floc, pH reducer, pipe degreaser and filter cleaners.
Approved products:
- Poppit Buffer Alkalinity increaser
- Poppit Calcium Hardness Increaser
- Poppit Filter Cartridge Cleaner
- Poppit Filter Cleaner – Spray
- Poppit Liquid Floc
- Poppit pH Increaser
- Poppit pH Reducer
- Poppit Quick Fix – Chlorine free oxidiser
- Poppit Spa CAL Hardener – Raises calcium hardness levelPoppit Spa pH Reducer
- Poppit Spa Pipe Degreaser
- Poppit Spa Sanitiser, Conditioner,
- Clarifier & Bactericide
- Poppit test kits
- Poppit Water Balance
- Poppit Sanosil Sanitiser
- Poppit One step Water Prep
- Poppit complete – clarifies and shines water
- Poppit 4 way test kit
- Poppit Filter Cartridge (phosphate, chlorine & nitrate free)
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Approved in:
- Australia
- New Zealand